Micronational Empire of Thebes

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The Micronational Empire of Thebes

"Sed oblivione acriter."
Short Name Thebes
Demonym Theban
Capital City New Thebes
Largest City Ramius
Official Language English



Population 115 (As of 2021 Census Data)
Religions All religions are accepted with the exception of The Church of Scientology
Time Zone Eastern (ET)

- Type of Government Monoligarcacy; Elective Monarchy with an Oligarchic Administration
- King Adam Funderburk

Elections Specified based upon term; there are restrictions, as some elections are high government only
- Last Election February 15, 2022

- Currency Iliami
- Currency Value 1 Iliami equal to 2.32 USD

The Micronational Empire of Thebes was founded on June 19, 2019 by Eithan Ackerman and Chuckles Miller. It rules several territories on Lake Gaston, Virginia, and is currently led by Cayden Ludlow.

It has a population of about 115 and has conquered several other micronations[citation needed].


Thebes was founded by Eithan Ackerman and Chuckles Miller on June 19, 2019. Eithan Ackerman was declared the first king and became Eithan I of Thebes. Chuckles Miller became the first vizier in Thebes. His brother, James Miller became Consul of Law Enforcement the following day. In the next few days, several key members of Thebes would join. Declan Welsh became the Consul of Military, Cayden Ludlow became the Consul of Technology, Alex Savage became Consul of Education and Knowledge. The government was laid out and the island of Cadmea was annexed and named. The capital, New Thebes, was founded.


New Provinces

The provinces of Oedipo, Thunderbirda, Dominicus, and Laiusa were recently annexed by Thebes. Oedipo, Thunderbirda, and Dominicus are located in land the United States claims for the American state of North Carolina, while Laiusa is located on Lake Gaston.


Usyllia (The People's Republic of Usyllia) was a micronation led by Harley Mumfrey and declared war on Thebes on Thursday October 3, 2019 at 10:15 am. However, in a deal comprised between Cayden Ludlow and Harley Mumfrey, Harley agreed to join Thebes, as long as the government treated him fairly. The deal was signed days after the formation of Usyllia. As a result of the deal, Usyllia, it's assets, territory and government were absorbed into Thebes.


After the Garf Conflict, Thebes began rapidly expanding, going from about 15 citizens to 50 citizens. During this time most government positions were filled out. The provinces of Millerus and Ackermanus were annexed, as well as Ludlow Island. An election was held among the consuls to decide who would become the next Vizier of Thebes. Chuckles Miller was elected King Chuckles I, and Alex Savage became vizier. Eithan Ackerman became the Consul of Education and Knowledge.

Territorial Expansion

During the tail end of the reign of Chuckles I, two new provinces were added, Osirgyz, consisting of the former territory of Sparta, and Ptolmus, an island on Lake Gaston. This benign period of growth continued with the addition of the Province of Lacuterra and the Territory of Petrulam later in James's reign.

Other Events

These are other events that are or have occurred in the nation of Thebes.

Micronational Olympics

The nation of Thebes also announced that they will be hosting the 2021 Micronational Olympics, however, James I canceled the olympics in 2020.


On November 5, Thebes founded the ITUMNA, The International Treaty of Unrecognized Micronations of North America. Thebes is currently the only member, although the Ohana Nation was a member for several days, until its collapse.

Oedipo Reformation

Earlier in Theban history, Cayden Ludlow led a failed movement to split Oedipo into North and South Oedipo. However, this movement was reignited by James I with Cayden Ludlow now opposing it. The plan was to split off the southern half Oedipo, primarily undeveloped, and create a territory called Pelopidia. This succeeded, and later in James's reign Pelopidia successfully petitioned for provincehood, becoming Thebes's eleventh province.


The Garf Conflict

On June 30, 2019, Nicholas Gage was appointed head of the military. The following morning of June 31, 2019, Nicholas Gage and James Miller seceded from Thebes as the Garf Nation, with Nicholas serving as King Nicholas I. A brief battle ensued, with no casualties or clear winner, known as the Battle of Becusa. A treaty was called between the two nations. That very day, the Garf Nation expanded to six members, including Nicholas's siblings, Caroline and Abraham Gage. After several days, however, only 3 members of the Garf Nation remained, Nicholas I, James Miller, and Abraham Gage. Several, including Caroline Gage, joined Thebes, while others simply left. On July 5, 2019, Abraham Gage left the Garf Nation and replaced James Miller as Consul of Law Enforcement. Then, later that same day, there was a schism between Nicholas I and James Miller. Nicholas I abdicated the throne and declared his independence from the Garf Nation, becoming Nicholas I of Sparta. James Miller succeeded the throne as James I. The next week he conquered a chain of uninhabited islands near Cadmea and prepared for war on Thebes. He changed his mind, however, and wrote a treaty with Thebes. James I became James Miller, Consul of Citizenship. The Garf Nation dissolved, and its land went to Thebes.

Meme War

On August 20, 2019, William O'Brien, a citizen of Thebes, declared himself King William I of the Meme Nation. Within a day, the Meme Nation had 15 members, several of them Theban citizens and politicians. Each nation installed spies in the other. Meme Nation aggressively declared war on Thebes. No battles were fought however, and after several weeks the Meme Government collapsed. William I dissolved the Meme Nation.

The Mugie War

Kody Ludlow, brother of Cayden Ludlow and citizen of Thebes, was unhappy with the creation of Oedipo, which included land in his backyard. He declared himself independent from Thebes, and was crowned Emperor Lekolilo I of the Mugie. After about two weeks of fighting between Mugie and Thebes, a treaty was written by Chuckles I which disbanded the Mugie, ended the dispute over land, and made Emperor Lekolilo into Lekolilo Ludlow, governor of Oedipo.

General Conflict

Impeachment of Alex Savage

During the reign of Chuckles I, a movement was spearheaded by Consul of Technology Cayden Ludlow to impeach vizier Alex Savage. Although legally dubious and unfounded, the movement partially succeeded when King Chuckles declared an emergency election for vizier, which Savage could still participate in. However, after a tie and revote, James Miller, Consul of Economy, became the new vizier.

The Harley Schism

Harley Mumfrey before declaring war on Thebes had been a serious micronationalist, and his passion outdated the birth of Thebes. His nation, Usyllia, was eventually founded. The Harley Schism had begun after Thebes had conquered Usyllia. The first event that took place was the fact that he gave up so easily in war, considering how serious he was about micronations. At first King Chuckles I and Sir Eithan had thought nothing of it. King Chuckles said he was a very trustworthy person and appointed him governor, and eventually consul of economy. In the next couple weeks Harley had proposed several new ideas to the Theban government that others found to be extreme, such as becoming communist(as Usyllia had been) and changing the flag and other fundamental aspects of the government.

Soon, many, such as Consul Eithan Ackerman, wanted to impeach Harley. Ultimately, several other unspecified suspicious actions caused most of the government to turn against Harley, and ultimately vote to impeach him.


The Theban government consists of a king, a vizier, 12 consuls, the Jury of Twelve, and governors. The king is a consul elected by other consuls to that term. The vizier, his second-in-command, is also elected by the consuls. Each consul oversees a different faction of the government. There are 12 consuls:

The Jury of Twelve consists of twelve Jurors and is headed by the vizier. The Jurors are elected by citizens, appointed by the king, or appointed by the vizier.

Provinces and Territories

Thebes currently has eight provinces and four territories. In those provinces and territories, there are 10 cities.


Thebes has eleven provinces.They are:

  • Cadmea
  • Garf
  • Millerus
  • Ackermanus
  • Oedipo
  • Laiusa
  • Thunderbirda
  • Osirgyz
  • Ptolmus
  • Lacuterra
  • Pelopidia

Seven of the provinces are located on Lake Gaston, while three are located near the American City of Apex.


Thebes has three territories. They are:

  • Turtle Lodge
  • Petrulam
  • Carducci Island

Two territories are on Lake Gaston.


Thebes has many cities. They largest are:

Most of them are located on Lake Gaston.