Autonomous Republic of Europa

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Autonomous Republic of Europa
Coat of arms
Motto: Solidarité, Environnement, Equité (French for Solidarity, Environment, Equity
Official languagesFrench, Esperanto, LSF,
Demonym(s)Europian (Europien)
• Regent
Glenn d'Europa
• as of 2023 census
This nation is a member of the MicroFrancophonie

Europa, officially the Autonomous Republic of Europa, is a micronation created the 27th June 2017 by Glenn Of Europa, which claims the islands of Europa, Bassas of India.

Its goal is to become the best democracy in the world.


The name Europa come from the first territorial claim made by Glenn Of Europa on the Foundation Day (27 June 2017). But the island's name origin came after the boat's name which discovered the island for the first time, on 24 December 1774.


About the island itself

Even if the island was surely discovered before, it was in 1774 that the British boat Europa officially located it. It was from this event that the newly-discovered territory was named. But during the annexation of Madagascar to the French Colonial Empire, Europa became a french possession.

Despite of his isolated and dry atmosphere, several briefs attempts of colonisation happened from the XIXth century. Until 1949, date of a continual human presence on the island, the history is made of a succession of installation more or less lenghty. The first arrival of french settlers begin in 1880. They inserted especially goats but decided to leave the inhospitable island. In 1903, a people's group lived thanks to fishing and to the picking up of bird's and turtle's eggs. On 1910, a fisherman and hunter's community settled on Europa. Thanks to this period, the territory owe the bring of the sisal's cultivation (Agave sisalana). On 1923, some guy named Dr. Poisson berthed on the island, whitout any living soul.

The building of a meteorological station on 1949 (automated today) was accompanied by a human presence every year. The territorial claims from the Malagasy Governement caused a military arrival who relieved itself all year long, with the aim of insure the french sovereignty. This system still remains today.

None vestige of the island's old buildings are persistant today (as ovens, clothes horse, cisterns...) excepted a cemetery, where several peoples, whose two colonies'womens of 1910.

The true flag of Europa Island in macronational world

About the Republic

The Autonomous Republic of Europa is born in 27 June 2017.

Informally founded in a first time by Glenn of Europa the 12th Avril 2017, this latter create his flag the same day.

A new flag is created on October 7, 2020. It features a green turtle, the emblematic animal of Europa Island and Les Eparses; on a red and white cut background.

The micronation's territory was hasardly chosen on Google Earth: "Some mouse scroll wheel movements and the island of Europa introduce itself before me, I had a real firm favorite for this island". During a meal at the parent's house of his childhood friend, Glenn naturally talk about his project to his best friend, Isaac.

Isaac joins the project and is one of the founding fathers of La République autonome d'Europa

The project is to create a simpler, more legitimate and above all very democratic Republic !

The project must achieve two goals:

- “become the best democraty in the world.”

- Write a letter to the President of the French Republic, the French Ministry of Overseas Territories and the Senior Administrator of the TAAF - French Southern and Antarctic Lands

The independance and the Europian sovereignty micronational was fully proclaimed the 27th June 2017 and the atoll of Bassas da India was claimed the 31th Mars 2020.

The Provisional Governement was dissolved on 25 June 2020. This event begins the First Europian Republic and the Constitution was revised the next day.

Isaac d'Europa is no longer active in micronation, Glenn Of Europa replaced him by Paul-Antoine Longnieux, who was, previously, a National Representative.

The 14th February 2021, Paul-Antoine Longnieux was revealed to be a false identity. After the delivery of several count of indictment, the guilty head of state was dismissed and Glenn of Europa announced the beginning of the Third Republic, a political regime with only one Regent.

Politics and government

There is two governing bodies :

- The Parliement, the Parliement take responsibility for certain laws and controls government action.

- The Secretiaries, the Secretiaries the administrative papers, the crucials laws and enforces the laws.

Law and order

- New Constitution to be published soon -

Foreign relations

- Angyalistan

- Principality of Aigues-Mortes

- Republic of Padrhom

- Principality of Beremagne

Anthophilian Principality

- Republic of Jailavera

- Principality of Vandewal

- Hope Kingdom

- independent State of Nova-Troie

- Luminor Empire

- Principality of Ferthroy

- Neugraviat of Saint Castin

- Republic of Toubak

- Nova Troie

- Seignery of Auxiliaum


We are neutral, our nation has no army. Our only defence is the French army.

In the macronational world, France occupies these Eparses islands with soldiers and gendarmes.


The territorial claims consists in :

- Europa Island, which is a part of the archipelago Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean. Its area is 28 km². It was claimed at the Foundation Day, the 27th June 2017.

- The Atoll Bassas da India, located in the Mozambique canal, measuring 0,200 km² on 31 March 2020.

Since August 24, 2022, the Regent of our nation has promulgated a protectorate on the sister islands of Europa Island and Bassas Da India This protectorate thus encompasses (the island of Juan Da Nova, the Archipelago of Glorious, Tromelin Island). No other micronation can make these islands its own.

Culture and media

The sole Europian media is the Youtube channel of the Republic.

We are quoted in these media:




External links